Toy Parti Poodle Cut: Continental Clip

Huxtable on the grooming table

Toy Poodle in Continental Clip (no rosettes)

This was hand's down my favorite cut/grooming Huxtable has yet. The groomer has two poodles himself -and- he used to do dog shows on a regular which really showed. I loved how Hux looked so happy while being groomed by a new groomer, which indicated how great the groomer had to be, not to mention Hux was a perfect round poodle ball, lol. I had originally wanted the Scandanavian Puppy Clip, but he didn't have enough fur on one part of his leg since he had just gotten his teeth pulled. The veterinarian had to shave off part of his front leg fur for the I.V. Therefore a Continental Clip was the best option. The finished product was so lovely, everyone loooooved it! The groomer told me that the front leg bracelets are actually a bit lower than they're "supposed" to be due to the fur that the veterinarian shaved off, but he worked with it, made them even and it looked great :). 

The groomer and I had a long conversation, ranging in "poodle topics", one of which included some of the industry/poodle grooming/show dog trade secrets, lol. He told me how show dogs usually wear hair extensions to make their top knots and "manes" so super full. People sell their poodle's hair after they have completed and gotten their  "CH" (champion) title, and supposedly the hair goes for top dollar, especially if the particular color or shade of poodle is less common (silvers, blues, partis). So all the perfect full-maned super long hair show poodles have a head full of extensions and hairspray, lol, quite hilarious to me. He told me that some judges are getting more tough with the rules and aren't allowing extensions and hairspray, but for the most part it still goes on. Very very interesting stuff!

He also mentioned loving that Huxtable was a "true toy" poodle. Supposedly there aren't a lot of "true toys" these days-- they're either too small or too big. I guess so many people want the "teacup" dogs that they're becoming more and more commonplace despite how unhealthy it can be to have dogs too tiny. 

All in all it was a great experience. It truly makes a difference when the groomer not only has your same breed of dog, but also spent years grooming show dogs. I'll definitely be going back to that guy :)

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